The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103415   Message #2122898
Posted By: Mike Miller
09-Aug-07 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
Hey, Hawk,

I wanna hear some more about this "..grand imperial policy". Where is Jim Garrison when we need him? If you are trying to say that wealth has a disproportionate influence on both parties, what, else, is new? Wealth has the means to deliver its message but, so what? Underfunded candidates with a salable idea can win the voters. Voters are not the mindless sheep you guys think they are. If the Democrats had run an issue candidate, like Nader, they might have won. Check the results and see who, actually, voted in 2004. It, sure, wasn't the left. Low voter turnout means that an issue oriented candidate will draw his supporters out. I don't blame the voters for Bush. The Democrats thumbed their noses at their own base and nominated an empty suit whose best asset was that he wasn't Bush.
It was insulting to Nader's positions to suggest that America wouldn't agree. In fact, not only would there have been a national debate on issues, dear to liberals, all those who favor Universal Health Care, would have gone to polls with bells on.
