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Thread #103415   Message #2122932
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Aug-07 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
I don't meet them much either. I don't hang out at the right places, I guess...

You're making an error, mg, to take what I said as having anything to do with you personally...or with a lot of people that you know.

I said, "a significant portion" of the American public. That could be anything from 10% of the public on up, I figure. Do you doubt that 10% of your public is ignorant, greedy, etc.? I don't. It's the "nuke 'em till they glow" types I am referring to. They exist. More of them exist in the USA, per capita, than in my own country, and there's no doubt about that whatsoever. Look at some polls if you don't think so. The USA has a more politically aggressive population, far more inclined toward violence as a way of solving international issues than most western populations are. I've lived in both countries (USA and Canada), and I can see the difference quite easily. It's blatantly obvious.