The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8754   Message #212387
Posted By: bobby's girl
15-Apr-00 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Where are the kids?
Subject: RE: Where are the kids?
To see young folk at its best a visit to the Folkworks Youth Summerschool in Durham is a must. There are kids from 10 to 22ish playing, singing and dancing all day and well into the night - sometimes all night. Our own Sam Pirt and his friends got together at Durham, and there are lots of other kids equally as talented. The problem is that when they go back to their home environments, they won't even consider taking their instruments to school, or even admitting that they play something like an accordion or melodian because they are ridiculed by their peers. I know my daughter suffers from this, and she is not alone - she has enough trouble admitting she has a mother who is a Morris Dancer! I think that a lot of trouble these days comes from peer pressure rather than lack of interest.