The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103721   Message #2124068
Posted By: emjay
12-Aug-07 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Ted Stevens (1923-2010)
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Ted Stevens
Alaskans all over the place. This is getting to be almost like reading the letters pages in the Anchorage Daily News. Somebody (John Hackney,whose name means nothing in this context)was on the news a couple of nights ago during a demonstration outside a house where a $1000 a plate fundraiser was being held for our lone Congressman, Don Young. And Hackney chided the demonstrators and said Stevens and Young and Murkowski "Made Alaska."
That's the worst of it. They really think these people and free-flowing oil money made Alaska.
The money made it something but I don't understand why they brag about it. I was here before statehood, and before oil money and this was a wonderful place.
I've said it before. If I had only seen this post-oil, post-Ted Stevens, Don Young, et al, Alaska, I'd be living in Maine.
That Don Young fundraiser is another story not to brag about.