The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20430   Message #212480
Posted By: GUEST,Kaleb
15-Apr-00 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
Subject: RE: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
One time I was playing bagpipes for a retirement reception for 2 professors at a small state college. I played for about 45 minutes outside as guests were arriving. When all the guests had arrived, I was to play Amazing Grace to start the ceremony. However, not even halfway through, the cord tying the blowpipe into the bag came loose and I bagan to lose air quickly. There was nothing I could do. The bag just wouldn't hold air. All I could do was just stop. I was too horrified even to offer any explanation. I just walked from the front of the hall to the back where a band was set up to play through dinner. All I wanted to do was leave but I had also been asked to play Scotland the Brave at the end of the evening. So I rummaged through my case and found enough cord to secure my blowpipe to the bag. One of the guys in the band even came up with some duct tape with which I made sure there would be no further leakage. By the end of the ceremony and dinner the humiliation had worn off and determination had set in. I was going to redeam myself that night. After the last speaker had said his peace I stood up and began to inflate my bagpipe. I could see the look of pity in faces of the crowd as if they almost expected a repeat of my earlier performance. But my pipes held tight. I played Scotland the Brave but I didn't stop there. I went on to play a set of strathspeys and then a set of jigs. And I finished to a standing ovation.
Everyone bombs from time to time and its especially hard when you're playing solo. But if you can come back next time and blow them away its almost worth it.
