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Thread #103415   Message #2124948
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Aug-07 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be

As you know, I have already noted that Murdoch's takeover of the WSJ is in my opinion a disaster of the first order for anybody who wants objective news--or at least honest news, the honest opinion of the reporter. However my attitude towards the WSJ editorial page should be already obvious to you, since we've discussed it before in another thread. If the editorial stance starts infecting the news coverage, I will simply look elsewhere for news--the Economist is a good source, for instance. It's interesting that you mention brainwashing--Mr. Tancredo seems to have done a creditable job on you.

Also, you have precisely zero evidence that Dean would have done better than Kerry. He may well have done considerably worse. It took some doing to caricature a war hero as a surrender monkey--with Dean it would have been no problem. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Not that that will keep you from your "what if's". After all, it's so much fun--though a classic waste of time.