The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75122   Message #2125293
Posted By: Don Firth
14-Aug-07 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Subject: RE: Little known '60s Folk Singers
Has anyone heard, heard of, or know anything about a singer named Joe Hansen?   Or "Hanson", but I think the name was spelled with an "e." All I know about him is that he had a record out sometime in the mid-1950s (a 10" LP). He had a pleasant voice, a sort of reedy tenor or light baritone, and the drawing on the album cover showed him accompanied himself on an autoharp, which he played flat on his lap, not held upright with the left arm the way lots of people play one these days. I have no idea of where he was from or where he may have performed.

Of the maybe ten or so songs on the record were "All Through the Night," a sort of fast rendition of "Greensleeves" (with more verses than one usually cares to hear), "The Drownèd Lover," and the nicest translation (from the Welsh) of "Venture Gwen" that I've ever heard or read. That's the song I'm really looking for, but there were a couple of other good songs on the record that I haven't heard anywhere else.

A friend of mine had the record, but when he passed away some years back, his kids sold his marvelous collection of folk records to some second-hand record store (#@$%&!#! mutter, snarl!!).


Don Firth