The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104006   Message #2126036
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Aug-07 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wonderful Cotton Things
Subject: RE: BS: Wonderful Cotton Things
I always wondered-- about that lint from the dryer..... I know it would be weird to actually SAVE it, but it does pile up in a little tiny trash can next to the dryer. I always just threw it out. But the other day I needed to wipe the washer-top, where the goumm accumulates under the lid? "I wonder...." and on a lark I grabbed a handful of pale green lint the new green flannel sheets had left. I dampened it under the water running into the mqachine and used it like a sponge. It was GREAT! OK, it left a green lint residue I had to use a second, dry piece to remove, but how cool was THAT!

Cotton, gotta love it.
