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Thread #103415   Message #2126194
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Aug-07 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
Yes, Ron, they (the immense financial forces) do indeed compete with one another...ruthlessly and without pity....just as do thieves in a gang of thieves. You think there isn't competition within the Mafia? ;-)

In the same fashion, the Republicans and Democrats compete with each other ruthlessly and without pity. That's how the game is set up, and they all play essentially for one purpose, to win the game. Those who win receive the greater rewards. Those who lose receive lesser rewards and watch for their next chance to cut down the ones who are presently on top.

As such, they act in a fashion detrimental to the general public good, and detrimental to the world at large, and that is why I find it objectionable.

Interestingly enough, pdq keeps helping to find evidence to support my long as it is evidence that is condemnatory of the Democrats! LOL! Well, his partisan nature is serving to support at least half of my argument.

Look, Ron, do I think I am empowered to alter the way this entire friggin' society works, shackled to the power of the mighty dollar? Hell, no. But I'll tell you what I am empowered to do...I am empowered to live my own life in exactly the fashion I choose, to do what I enjoy and find meaningful, and that's what I'm doing. I would recommend to others that this is their direct route to personal freedom and self-realization in what will always be an imperfect world.

If your choice is to campaign in some way on behalf of the Democratic Party, because you believe in it...then I say, "Great! Go for it, and I hope you have a jolly good time doing what you believe in, because that is what you're obviously here to do."

I do not expect everyone to be the same or to have the same dreams and interests, Ron, and I think it would be a poor world if we did.

(I do not get your references to Calvinism at all. It appears to be philosophically opposed to just about everything I believe in.)