The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104064   Message #2126198
Posted By: oldhippie
15-Aug-07 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Four Green Fields - T Makem re; AP story
Subject: Origins: Four Green Fields - T Makem re; APstory
It was nice to read a letter to the editor in my local newspaper by a Sheri Mortimer. It read as follows:

"The Aug 3 Associated Press article "Singer Tommy Makem dies" mentioned his song "Four Green Fields" and said it was about a woman mourning the death of her sons who fought for her fields. Although on the surface that seems to be correct, "Four Green Fields" is actually an allegorical song.
The old woman represents Ireland, and the four fields are the four provinces of Ireland. Three provinces make up the Republic of Ireland. The fourth green field is Northern Ireland, still under British domination.
The song is a strong statement that Ireland will once again be a whole and independent nation, free of domination by anybody."