The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103415   Message #2126588
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Aug-07 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
Yes, pdq, I do understand. I am making an honest effort to understand you, at any rate. I see no point in being perpetually hostile to another person just because I have disagreed with them frequently in the past on certain political matters. I hope you don't either.

As for facts, well, everbody is absolutely besotted with looking up and quoting various facts, as long as those facts appear to support their normal opinions. If not...then the facts can be reinterpreted in some fashion that seems more favorable. ;-) Or they can be discounted as being not particularly relevant or important facts to the matter at hand. Or they can be diluted in their impact by a deluge of other facts. (grin) You know how it works...right?

Anyone with a career in politics knows how to turn facts to his advantage, while poo-pooing or ignoring other facts. It's standard procedure. Carefully chosen facts have been used to aid and promote every cause in history.

And, yeah...both sides suck. Unquestionably.