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Thread #103415   Message #2126602
Posted By: Ron Davies
15-Aug-07 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be

Get a handle---maybe then you'll be worth my time. (But it doesn't look likely).


My point is that the 'immense financial forces" are neither monolithic nor omnipotent. As long as you concede this, we're in the same book, if not on the same page.

By the way, as a registered Republican, I'm not likely to do much campaigning for the Democratic party. But sure as hell not for Bush or like-minded Neanderthals either.

As I've mentioned, my kind of Republican is Lugar--recognizing reality in Iraq, and being pilloried by Bushites for it, or Chafee in RI-- on the environment (which after all goes back to TR in the GOP.

An endangered species now, maybe, but perhaps not forever.

Re: Calvinism: this relates to your mantra of the "immense financial forces" having all the power--we therefore predestined to powerlessness and exploitation. This seems to be what you strongly believe. I disagree.


Ah, pdq, the old faithful.

"Clinton could have stopped these mergers anytime he wanted". As usual, your ignorance shines through, "just like a ray of sun", as the song goes. The best things in life don't change.

Sure hope your musical expertise is superior to your political savvy. I trust that it is--or I'm afraid no one would want to hear you.

You're of course going to tell us that there's a cause-effect relationship between Clinton's elections and the oil patch mergers. Evidence please.

And by the way, somehow you left out what happened in 1994. And a person named Monica a bit later. Wonder why you didn't mention that.

You might want to learn about a concept called "political capital".   I'm sure any 8th-grade civics textbook-- (or whatever they call civics these days)-- can help you out.

Actually you might want to start a little earlier, with a source which explains to you the difference between an absolute monarchy and a representative democracy. You seem to have a hard time telling the difference. I assure you there is a difference.

Please do just a bit of research next time. It really won't hurt you. Thanks so much.