The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20430   Message #212666
Posted By: MK
16-Apr-00 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
Subject: RE: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
A number of years ago, to supplement my income, I decided to accept a gig (keyboards) with a Wedding and Bar Mitzvah Band.

On one ocassion, we were playing for someone's Bar Mitzvah, at a very posh affair with about 300 guests (adults and kids) in attendance.

The sax player in the band, while being a phenominally good sax player (when reasonably sober) had, on this particular gig decided to snort coke, and booze all night...suffice it to say, by around 11:00 in the evening, he was 10 sheets to the wind.

After completing a Horah...the sax player leans into the mic, and yells (exact words) ''Let's a have a big fucking round of applause for the fucking Bar Mitvah boy....Jason!''. Could have heard a pin drop for 20 seconds right after this announcement.

To say that the other bands members and band leader were horrified was an understatement. Up until this point in time I thought I'd seen and heard everything. My shock quotient was elevated to yet another level, after this incidient.

(The sax player's services were no longer required after this gig.)