The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103985   Message #2126869
Posted By: Ruth Archer
16-Aug-07 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
"We need more than 30 young people at Sidmouth. Seth Lakeman brought them in by the hundreds."

I love the way you selectively read, Lizzie. There were hundreds of young people at the Bulverton for Whapweasel and the Glorystrokes. Just because these are dance bands and not on your radar doesn't invalidate them, or the young people who went to see them.

I don't know why I bother arguing with you anymore, to be honest. You're in your own little world, you see what you want to see (this year, you decided that the Sidmouth lineup wouldn't be attractive to young audiences so you chose not to see all the younger people who turned up for the festival) and you read what you want to read. It's all about making the world fit with your perceptions.

The only thing that concerns me, really, is that there are people who weren't there, who will read your diatribe about Sidmouth and think it's an accurate reflection of the festival. I can assure them that it isn't.