The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20430   Message #212688
Posted By: GUEST, Threadie
16-Apr-00 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
Subject: RE: BS: Musical Suicide - What's it Like?
Indeed flattop, the material keeps coming in.

We would of course LOVE to hear your particular experiences in relation to the above questions. Our laboratory laugh-o-meter is fluctuating between certain points, the level of which I'm not at liberty to disclose at the present, and we feel that your contribution would perhaps make some difference to what is now a wet Sunday.

We thank all contributors so far for their frankness and openness. We do not have a complete dramatis personæ as yet, and we are looking to fill even more rôles as the storyboard develops.
You might in your spare time, flattop, suggest those who could fill the part of the sombre director of our musical within a musical, which we have devised as part of the plot. We also need to fill the chorus line with scantily clad females. And lets not forget the horn section.
A few names come to mind, but we need the collective input of a few creative minds to bring our masterwork to fruition.

Yours always

The Threadie (co-producer)