The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103985   Message #2127060
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
16-Aug-07 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
"We wish we could but all we can do is do our best. Early feedback from attendees and artists is telling us that this year's festival provided the most extensive/quality programme for several years."

No one can do more than that, Guest,Me. The balance is a delicate one, and in the main you organisers have got it about right. That is possibly the major reason for Sidmouth's continued popularity.

For me, this year represented one more step in the progress of Sidmouth toward an even brighter future. The operative word is progress.

My suggestion would be that you are on course, and simply need to continue. By all means take on board the sensible feedback, while ignoring those who are complaining just to hear the sound of their own voices.

Don T. (grey haired, but NOT a geography teacher)

P.S. We do need a replacement for The Dove, tho'. I really miss that one.