The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103911   Message #2127278
Posted By: Howard Jones
16-Aug-07 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Accents and Dialect
Subject: RE: Accents and Dialect
Some years ago my next door neighbours had a small boy. He spent a lot of time with his grandfather and spoke with a very broad Cheshire accent, which you don't often hear nowadays. He sounded like an old man talking, but was only 3 or 4.

One day he looked over the fence and asked,

"Where's missus?"

"She's at work", I said

"Did yer put 'er t'work?" he asked

Another time, I was cleaning a camping stove on the back porch.

"What yer doin?"

I explained. He listened carefully, then turned round and shouted indoors, "Master next door's mendin' t'clock!"