The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20316   Message #212767
Posted By: Bill D
16-Apr-00 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lapsang Souchong
Subject: RE: BS: Lapsang Souchong
regarding Lapsang Souchong...many years ago I worked at a 'coffee house'...and I was in charge of the tea...and we did it right--loose tea, boiling water..etc...(even before Twinings..remember "Ming" teas in the gold cans?)..anyway, one night a black man came in..(you think you've seen black? this man was BLACK!)...turns out he was from Madascar, and when he saw Laspang on the menu he became very agitated..."Please make me a pot", he said in this wonderful accent.."this is what we drink in my country, and I have not had it in years" I did, and he smiled. But in a bit he came up to the counter and asked, "I would like another pot,...but please make it twice as strong!" I did, and he BEAMED! He was positively thriving on double strength Lapsang was very nice to be able to help him recapture a bit of his homeland. (Seems he was related to the out-of-power ruling family, and was NOT welcome in the country at the time)

I can drink Lapsang and Earl Grey, though usually only as a blend with other good teas..(in addition to the usual ones mentioned, Szchewan, Yunnan, ChingWo...etc.)The one 'flavored' tea I really liked was a Lychee tea I found at an oriental grocery. I used to be able to but good loose teas in bulk here..(Wash DC area)but it is getting harder as Starbucks plugs coffee on every corner.

In defense, I have also learned to drink 'good' coffee, meaning fresh ground and exotic types of high quality whenever I can afford it.

(oh, as resident traditionalist curmudgeon, I also object to calling herbal infusions "tea"...*grin*)