The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103985   Message #2127752
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
17-Aug-07 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
I had a great Sidmouth: loved the Upper Middle Bar (like the new venue, but I haven't as long a history in the MBS as Lynne and some others, so maybe not quite such a strong bond to downstairs). As usual did the Bedford late night, but I also found Rosie's sessions in the Faulkner, where people actually listen to you, and you can even hear yourself sing: amazing hilarious songs (and delivery of same) from Dave Taylor.
Did the Cockersdale (Keith Marsden songs) workshop, which was enjoyable, educational and emotional (thanks to Val, John and Graham).
Concerts: Tinker's Bag, Spooky Men,Altan and JK ("Did you know it was my birthday?") were all outstanding, and I loved the Omega 3 who "warmed up" for Vin Garbutt (as well as Vin himself, of course).

Other stuff: mainly good weather, but the Monday downpours and standing outside the Ham tent in the rain trying to get into Brass Monkey (one out, one in, but there were LOADS of free seats when I eventually did get in) And the smell.......yes, woodchip next year, please, if needed.

The bow section of the Napoli being towed away, while the red sails of the dinghies sailed nearer inshore, and a lone girl piper played on the prom. I eventually wrote my "Napoli" song in the car on the way home: didn't get to the songwriting workshops, sorry.(Not me driving!)

The guys with the wrap-around monkeys doing "Rolling Home" in the Bedford: oh yes, the monkeys joined in!

And the Rugby Club: Norma and Martin sitting just in front of the brass plaque on the wall that says "Old Farts Corner"!!

Ageism: I thought it didn't really exist in folk: I've always maintained it doesn't matter what age you are or what your day job is. No, I'm not a geography teacher either. I have my bus pass, but was up dancing for Altan.

Roll on next year!
Love and hugs to any friends I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to.