The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103985   Message #2127810
Posted By: fiddler
17-Aug-07 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
Subject: RE: Sidmouth - was it good for you?
Seat comment on the Ham are noted and have been elsewhere too - you are not alone.

Being like it for 30 years never was or is a reasonable response, that said finding the right solution may take more than one year and even then may take more attempts to get it right.

The chairs are the same one used by many festivals, though this year they were on very soft ground and not quite even in their attitude becaus of this. Their spacing is their width where they are tied together - a legal requirement.

Sorry about Brass Monkey and all other sell out concerts, but by calculation on the seats pre sold, sold on the door and those seasons (all of which was 'clicked' in and out) who came it was full!

Volunteer staff did as much as they could adn worked very hard to try and 'keep teh customers satisfied'.

I'm sure folk would be less happy if too many were let in and then an incident occurred! The Ham did open the doors early when the weather was bad, and all artists asked on such occasions accepted that it was needed and they could not finish the sound check in private.

There are no laurels to rest on here, the right solutions are not far away but not as yet obvious when the whole equation is taken in to account. Lucidly and clearly expressed constructive criticism as in many of the posts above on all aspects is worthwile.

Please send it to the festival via the web site too!
