The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #2128780
Posted By: Rog Peek
18-Aug-07 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
I've had some success with the missing songs.
It seems Richard Nardin plays with a group 'Barrowburn' I emailed him and this was the reply:
Hi Roger, Yes I wrote "Song for Phil" a short time after his death in 1976. It was recorded on an LP of my original songs that I released in 1983. I don't have a digital version of it but I was meaning to convert the LP to CD. I get requests for recordings of some of the songs from time to time. So I guess I will have to get it done. I will send you an mp3 of the song when its ready.