The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20455   Message #212904
Posted By: Bill D
16-Apr-00 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: I want these lyrics - email me them now
Subject: RE: BS: I want these lyrics - email me them now
I'm afraid that there are many good people out there who simply will never 'get it'...they do not WANT to learn tricks to get what they want for themselves...they learn the very minimum necessary to operate a computer. I KNOW people who NEVER look at the drop-down menus, NEVER use a search engine, NEVER try a browser beyond what they are given with their computer, NEVER install an email program other than what is in IE4-5...barely know that newsgroups exist...etc.. (They also do not program VCRs or mess with stick-shift cars..*grin*) For whatever reason, they go thru life figuring out where those who DO know live, and asking for handouts.

Now, I realize that many nice folks only want a song for some transient purpose, and don't NEED to work thru the intricasies of what Max hath wrought, but I do shake my head at those who just sort of assume that there is some automated 'folk genie' here who will hand them stuff on a platter. "Search the database? HUH?", I do know that EVERYONE is a newbie at some point, but some never go beyond that stage, and some simply hate being asked to think. Others dive right in and say, "whoopee, what fun..."........I am also sure that those who DON'T do computers and folk music may be experts in floor tiling or accounting and be exactly the resource I need someday, and I do try to keep a perspective about it all...but it sure does get to me after 4 years seeing ANOTHER post titled "help...desperate for lyrics" I am so VERY glad to see the "Mudcat FAQ for newbies" thread being refreshed...