The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103727   Message #2129491
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
20-Aug-07 - 02:33 AM
Thread Name: Who's going to Towersey, UK?
Subject: RE: Who's going to Towersey, UK?
Moorley - although the Barn singing, pub sessions and morris stands are an integral part of the weekend (and indeed, what a certain proportion of the attendees go for), it's not a paid venue - the activities that go on there are purely 'fringe' and entry is free to all. Consequently, it doesn't always get included in the programme, although in recent years, it's been getting more coverage.

To get there, go to any main site or campsite road gate, turn right down the hill, walk down to the cross roads (Village Hall on the right, paid venue, mind the ditch) and bear right again. The pub is a few hundred yards down this road, on the left. It's set back from the road. Warning... after several pints, what is a gentle slope downhill turns into the North Face of the Eiger getting back to the campsite.

The music session in the main pub are mixed and varied, ranging from beginners English to the sort of frenetic Irish you only get after 14 pints of Guinness. I have played recorder there, accompanied by 12 melodeons, 5 bohrains and a trombone.

The singaround is very much 'anything goes' as for content - no set 'doom and gloom nights' or anything... but it's run fairly and excellently by Pearl and Tony O'Neil who try very hard to make sure everyone gets at least one sing.

Sunday night is 'Dress Up Night', where formal outrageous is the mode and gender specific clothing optional.