The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104113   Message #2129494
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
20-Aug-07 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: I can't see my tits any more...
Subject: RE: BS: I can't see my tits any more...
Suet blocks are an acquired taste I've found... my kitty Raven acquired it very quickly and lost it almost as rapidly. See the thread 'Pussy, tits and fat balls', which I can't this minute lay my mouse on...

My tits have repeatedly ignored a feeder full of mixed seed in preference for one filled with black sunflower seeds (all black, rather than the b&w striped variety). Mind you, the slugs have been enjoying that one when I empty it over the garden. The resident blackbird then eats the slugs when he can, so it's a sort of Karma.

Well, not for the slug.. more Nirvana!

The only birdlife out today that I can see from my tiny window, is a pigeon, sitting in the wires over a very shiny silver car, that my neighbour spent a great deal of Saturday washing and polishing... just waiting....