The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103867   Message #2129519
Posted By: Viracocha
20-Aug-07 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Brownies, Scouts, Boys/Girls Brigade
Subject: RE: Brownies, Scouts, Boys/Girls Brigade
Thank you everyone. Sorry I've been away so long - I was on a long weekend in London, without internet access.
Les from Hull: that was it! Thank you. I can't imagine Native Indians fighting with bricks, though...
As to the others - I hardly recognise any of the songs (and I can't help with the "One is silver and the other is gold" song, I'm sorry). I agree with Lizabee in that they do seem to be like little folk groups. Some groups obviously are more religious than others - I never did any hymns or psalms in Rainbows, Brownies or Guides.
LindsayInWales: The only ones I recognise are "We are the Men of the Old Dun Cow" (we called it "we are the red men") and the ending one:

Day is done
Gone the sun
From the sea
From the hills
From the sky
All is Well
Safely Rest
God is Nigh

Though I also rememeber the ending song from Rainbows, to the sound of bells ringing the hour. We all joined hands in a circle and swung our arms wildly like bells. I still sometimes sing in quietly in my head when I hear bells ringing it out:

Oh Lord our God
Thy chil-dren call
Grant us Thy peace
And bless us all
[run in to the centre, hands still joined; whisper]Goodnight.
[run out, hands still joined; bellow]GOODNIGHT!!!

Songs I sang in Rainbows/Brownies/Guides include:
-We are the red men / We are the Men of the Old Dun Cow
-Everywhere we go
-Alice the Camel
-3 Little Angels

And that's all I can remember at the moment, sorry.
