The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104123   Message #2129531
Posted By: Marje
20-Aug-07 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: why there are so few Sharons in song
Subject: RE: why there are so few Sharons in song
Hey Jack (original post in this thread) - isn't this a bit sexist? I don't suppose the GU clinics are frequented only by women. How about the names of males attending - does "Jack" appear in the top ten, I wonder?

I bet my name doesn't - most other Marjories seem to be over 80, and thus at a low risk of contracting a GU infection. On the other hand, I should think there are lots of us with Alzheimers :-(

Although this seems to come as a surprise some people, the names at any clinic (GU or otherwise) are never going to be a random cross-section of the population; they're bound to be skewed in certain ways, reflecting the genders, ages, socio-economic groupings and lifetyles of their patients.

Just as, if folk songs are to be relied on as evidence, most young men who went off to sea or to join the army were called William (or possibly Johnny), and most of their sweethearts Nancy or Betsy.(Well, someone had to try to keep this thread on topic!)
