The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20467   Message #212992
Posted By: Billy the Bus
17-Apr-00 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Subject: RE: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?

Like you, I sang anti-CP songs in the 60s. At that time, I could have probably named every person murdered in NZ in the past decade. Now, I wouldn't even have a clue how many have been murdered this year, let alone their names.

Like you, I now wonder about the Psychopaths" (hate using that word) who are incarcerated for maybe 15 years, set out into society, and kill again within weeks.

This may sound frivilous, but, here are my definitions.

Conservative = One who drives on the right side of the road in the USA/Canada/Europe, and on the left side of the road in Japan/UK?Aust/NZ.

[Aside] - All "Right thinkin' lefties" know "The left side of the road is the 'right' side, and the right side is the 'wrong' side"..;)

Liberal = One who drives fair up the white line in the middle of the road, no matter where in the world. And manages to avoid traffic from BOTH directions. Either by "skill", or "chance"

I'm a "wartime baby" (1943) and grew up with "Ban-the-bomb", Korea, Cold War, Malaysia, Vietnam, "environment" etc....

I've just deleted a zillionteethree "yellow legal pages" of waffle, and had a "Marmite" sandwich.....

If you're "all over the map", Rick, you are Liberal - if you are "all over the road", you still are (hopefully not drunk). If you have a firmly fixed position (either to left or right)

I like to think us 60s "Liberals", tried to steer the middle course, between the "Left/Right, Left/Right..."