The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20467   Message #212997
Posted By: Richard Bridge
17-Apr-00 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Subject: RE: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
A conservative is someone who is minded to conserve the status quo. That sounds harmless but it is the corollaries which start to bite so that the final result is that a conservative wishes tohelp the rich oppress the poor so that the rich stay rich and get richer and the poor get poorer, and injustice can be visited by the rich on the poor simply because of the power of the status quo.

Why so you think Margaret Thatcher caused and aggravated the UK recession? Why so that the workers could not get thier just desserts from her capitalist friends! TO compel labour to march to her diktat.

And if that makes me sound like a Marxist - well I started off pretty right wing at 14 - I even believed that some people were better able to form an intelligetn view than others and so deserved more votes! - and now I'm 52 I've seen a thing or two and I know tha tthe only reason that capitalism stick together is that the workers go unrequited for a part of thier labour. I've been an employer, I've been an employee, now I try to do everything myself with a computer. THat way, no class war.