The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866 Message #2130295
Posted By: GUEST,CrazyEddie
21-Aug-07 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Bee 07 Aug: Besides 'It' tag, Shadow tag and Freeze Tag, in Cape Breton (50s, 60s) we played a tag game called Ghost in the Cellar. We called it "Witch in the well", but the water, knife, chasing etc. was the same. The phrase & responses were very specific, & if you were the youngest, you made sure you were two steps away before the withch said "knife".
Bonecruncher 20 Aug One, Two, Three, Me Mother caught a bee. She put it in the teapot, To make a cup of tea. The bee flew out, mammy gave a shout, And in came Johhny, with his shirt hangin' OUT.
This could be used to select who wasn't "IT"
Queenie was never played at my (boys only) school, but I'd sometimes play it at home with my sisters. (They had to pronlise not to tell anyone though!)