The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103932   Message #2130326
Posted By: GUEST,charlotte - past ouse opper and Broady workf
21-Aug-07 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: Off to Broadstairs...
Subject: RE: Off to Broadstairs...
Hello all

Just to let you know, that Broadstairs Folk Week organisers REALLY do listen to comments and attempt to accommodate all needs wherver possible! I will make them aware that this thread exists in order to make them aware of your comments.

having worked in the Camp Site Admin Office all week, I can say that I had a really great time, and recieved little if any criticism, but did recieve many constructive and helpful comments about the festival / suggested areas for change that helpful people such as Girl Friday came in to write in the office day book.

Indeed, mostly, comments about the great line up, the much improved showers and the fantastic teas and tiaras (tea in a china cup!? a miracle!) stall were flooding in....

I had a great time at Broadstairs myself! Higlhights for me included the amazing Bellowhead Concert, Shooglenifty, the morris dancing, the torchlight procession (even if i was hideously sunburnt and my morris kit stuck to my burnt skin!, and the hobby horse see that many children (AND parents) getting that exctied and working really well together confirms that we have another generation of folkies being nurtured down there! I should know as 21 years ago, as a 3 year old I was one of them!

SO, enough from me, but I would really encourage the comments about BFW to keep coming in! The more you say (and let Kim and Jo know about) the more the festival will reflect your interests...

Charlotte xx