The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103866 Message #2131830
Posted By: Viracocha
23-Aug-07 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tag (the game)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tag (the game)
THAT was 'a Tisket a Tasket'? We always called it (allbeit a FAR milder version) "the keys game". Someone sat in the middle, curled up (or eyes closed), and they had keys beside them. Someone else had to creep up silently, quietly lift the keys and tiptoe all the way around the circle. Of course, as soon as the 'sleeper' realised the keys were gone, it was no longer tiptoing. If you caught them, you could remain the sleeper; if not, they must become the sleeper. Or was it the other way round...? Needless to say, it required too much silence to play in the playground.
It's a bit like 'Duck Duck Goose', too.
Tabster, your information is very interesting, thanks - Fainite and Failance might have the same stem. Though I can't imagine where 'cree' comes from. And thanks to Guest,Terry McDonald, too. And I've never heard of anything like "Witches Fairies and Giants", but I have heard of jacks. Though we never played it, sadly.