The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #722   Message #2132
Posted By: the grumpy fox....
11-Feb-97 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
Subject: RE: Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
alas, you are right...I should not have made my point 2) at apologies....but I still stand by my claim that you..(and MANY others are asking in this forum for help,seemingly without attempting to look in this wonderful database first...the search feature will find almost anything if you know ANY words or the title or the subject...I have see many posts from Susan of DT which begin "it's in the database".. she is a very polite and patient lady, it seems, and I commend her...and in the future, I shall try to refrain form this sort of answer and "if I cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all" do notice, however, that the phrase you clicked on to get here was "Can't find it in the database? Try posting a request in our new discussion forum." So, for the last time, I repeat myself-LOOK in the database! THEN ask! (as for being bravely anonymous, would you have respected my point more if it had my name and address attached??It is a bit like wanting to tell a good friend that they have B.O., or bad breath...sometimes you just want to make a point and not let 'personality' enter the picture..I think that, properly used, anononymity can be preferable. In any case, I sincerely hope that you ended up finding the song you wanted and many more too, and that you underdtand that I spoke only for myself in this little exchange...and that I really will try to confine myself to positive responses in the future...Peace...'Reynard, the Grumpy Fox'