The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20395   Message #213249
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
17-Apr-00 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: TAVERN STEAMBOAT Albert Hansell - Part 4
Subject: RE: TAVERN STEAMBOAT Albert Hansell - Part 4
Leej came to with a sudden start. He was standing watching the churn of the great paddlewheel, his wrists in chains, a smoking cigar clenched in his teeth. He would have to talk to Dr Benoit about these fits of blacking out, as they seemed to be getting worse. He glanced at the pocket watch...some fifteen minutes had elapsed without his being conscious of them. He fumbled between the buttons of his shirt. The Medallion was still there. Behind him he heard a burst of glad speech and laughter. He turned to see the Deckhand smiling at several passengers and crewmen, that is, until the wounded man caught his eye. Leej's surge of relief was tempered by fear as the tall, powerful youth strode toward him.