The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104168   Message #2133257
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
25-Aug-07 - 07:59 AM
Thread Name: Songbooks: Review: The Folk Handbook
Subject: RE: Review: The Folk Handbook
Indeed, yes, Shimrod raises a perfectly legitimate issue culled from a review by a fairly mainstream name. This is far from 'bickering'; what is to be marvelled at is that Charlotte Greig was moved to comment on this strange and very English phenonomen at all.

That the average English 'persons in street' have been alienated from their cultural heritage and, further, positively encouraged to mock and ridicule it is an incontrovertible fact. So hurrah that someone clearly outside 'our musical world' can see it. This is a lot more than many who declare themselves within it can do.

Chris Wood has been saying it for years and it is the very foundation upon which the English Acoustic Collective was founded. Scottish and Irish trad are doing quite nicely, thank you, albeit boosted by a faintly distasteful tartan- and shamrock-clad commercially-orientated tourist industry.

The AEC's view is that a couple of generations of neglect in our education system can, and indeed is being, overcome. If a generation can be taught to disrespect and diown its cultural inheritance than their children can be taught to value it and, eventually, to add to it.