The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103846   Message #2134306
Posted By: Fumble Fingers
27-Aug-07 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Mill (from Outlaw Social)
Subject: RE: Pharis Patenaude songs
Outlaw Social is so dynamic and creative that the collective power and awesomeness of their music (Okay, is this language a bit excessive? Are they really that good?) probably eclipses some of the individual talent that makes it all happen.

Listen a bit, and you'll discover that Pharis Patenaude is a brilliant songwriter. What happens from her words to the completed song is Outlaw Social. The lyrics are Patenaude.

Maybe another time I'll write about her songs, not that I understand them at all. But what's with the amputated hand, the limp, the methadone, Listerine and alcohol. And what does it mean to hold your lover like an old iron pin?