The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20395   Message #213494
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
18-Apr-00 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: TAVERN STEAMBOAT Albert Hansell - Part 4
Subject: RE: TAVERN STEAMBOAT Albert Hansell - Part 4
In the Cabin of the Mudcat Time Fleet's Neil Young Flagship, Leej reappeared just in time to knock the ash off his cigar into the ornate carnival-glass ashtray that was inscribed Vicksburg: Pearl of the Mississippi. A sealed envelope lay on his desk. He broke the wax seal and read the missive.

" Commander Robert E Leej
Aboard the Neil Young

Congratulations sir, we have at long last accomplished our mission of eliminating the Red Herons. Now the universe is at last safe for the Good and the True, for the Blues and the Folk, for the Banjo and the Zither. The Music will no longer be buffeted or repressed, but shall spread throughout all of the known worlds, from Seegernia to The Moons of Howlin' Wolf. Our Children shall shake off the chains of meaningless and mechanical noise, and shall know the wisdom of the Human Heart. Let the tiple ring out the gladsome news!


Maximillian XV

PS. We are in receipt of a certain Mr DeMornay, who has promised to treat us all to several excerpts from the Midsummer Night's Dream on the Fleet's return."

Leej was determined to visit Catspaugh in the Recovery Ward, and explain everything to him over cigars and brandy, but just for a moment he savored the victory. Leej spoke quietly into the stillness of the ship, made more profound by the mighty and endless chasm of stars that surrounded it."Lorena" he said. The music rose softly, enveloping him. Through moist eyes he looked at the old, faded photograph that hung upon the wall: The one of an ancient steamboat that had long since ceased to be.

The story of the past, Lorena, Alas! I care not to repeat; The hopes that could not last, Lorena, They lived, but only lived to cheat. I would not cause e'en one regret _ To rankle in your bosom now--- "For if we try we may forget," Were words of thine long years ago.