The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104322   Message #2135360
Posted By: Big Mick
28-Aug-07 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Larry Craig
I certainly have empathy for his family, they are always the victims in things such as these. Just ask Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.

As to the Senator, a pox on him. I wouldn't have near the animus towards these right wingers if they weren't so judgemental, and weren't constantly flouting the righteousness of their ways, only to be caught again and again. Congressional pages, male prostitutes, and this. The Dems have had their share of unsavoriness, but they don't parade themselves as the moral arbiters in the same way.

I am beginning to believe that we Americans deserve what we get sometimes. Our culture of instant gratification seems to have allowed hypocritical and shallow pol's with tons of money to feed just enough pap to get elected, and then when this happens we shake our heads. Yet when someone tells the truth, instead of what the polls say we want to hear, they can't get a forum. I think of Mitt Romney (not implying anything about his sexual proclivities here) who has changed his positions on key issues, but looks good, and folks line up in support. I think about Democrats, supposed allies of labor, who read polls to determine their stances and win elections, only to saddle us with trade agreements that destroy US jobs.

Craig is symptomatic of an illness in our system. He is not the first, or the worst. But left untreated, it will be fatal.

Ramble off,
