The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104319   Message #2140355
Posted By: mattkeen
04-Sep-07 - 05:11 AM
Thread Name: Copyright warning - bloggers!
Subject: RE: Copyright warning - bloggers!

No you weren't insulting me - you were unnecessarily derogatory about Imagined Village and John Cage.

I think CD prices are an issue - the only time I pay £13 to £15 for CDs now is at a folk gig. I am not saying that this is the price of ALL folk CDs its just that it is noticeably higher than most CDs that I buy.And I'm a committed purchaser of folk.

I still stand by the fact that we have to somehow find a way to use the download culture positively - I think that is likely to be by finding a combination of "give aways" and paid for, and pod casts etc.

I also think that there is a real point about the fact that nearly everybody, it seems, who has done more than 2 or 3 gigs has a CD out, and this has a fatigue effect on the audience and is really detrimental to professionals. I would be interested to hear if the professionals have noticed it becoming any harder to sell numbers of CDs at gigs because of this? Or is it impossible to tell?