The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104394   Message #2140546
Posted By: Mike Miller
04-Sep-07 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
Subject: RE: BS: On Same-Sex Marriages
I could not have made the point about divisions within Christianity better than Don Firth's lecture on "true" Christianity. Is it possible that he is not heard that every Christian sect believes it's version of doctrine is the only true adherence to the word of Jesus. It is this arrogance that the Roman Catholic Church has displayed in dismissing everyone who isn't them. And they are not the holiest of thou. My bridge partner, a "Jew for Jesus", has informed me that there are very few "real" Christian churches and he is privelaged to belong to one. He is quite certain on this point.
If marriage is a holy union (and centuries of history so define it),
the USA, founded on the pribciple of separation of church and state, should not be in the business of endorsing a religious ceremony. We should be leaving marriage to the church and granting legal contract status to all consenting adults who apply. It is not for our government to make moral doctrine. That is the job of religion or, in cases like mine, the individual citizen. I have managed to survive
without the benefit of religion and, if I am to be judged one day, as my bridge partner has warned me, I shall face it like Robert Henley, " head is bloody but unbowed".
The best we can do, Don, is to be kind to one another and that lesson precedes the teaching of the Christ.
