The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943   Message #2140726
Posted By: Rog Peek
04-Sep-07 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: NOT JUST ANOTHER FAD (Sam Walker)
(Sammy Walker)

If Hank had been a farmer would he still be here today
Ploughing fields of cotton, bringing in Alabama hay
Would he have grown into a grandpa with kids upon his knee
And tuned in the Grand Ole Opry along with you and me

But you loved the way he sang the songs
And the special gift he had
Though he was here and gone in a flash of light,
He was not just another fad

If Elvis had been a preacher, preaching the gospel word
Would he have made us to believers, would we still have seen and heard
Would he have set out on a mission, a soul saving search
Would he have shook our hands on Sunday at a little white country church


If Phil had been a teacher, teaching in the schools
Most likely political science, and bending all the rules
Would he have stayed up grading papers late into the night
With special care for a ghetto kid, to help him see the light


If Tim had been a carpenter, working with his hands
Making things that will last with time, in the time for which it stands
Would he have set himself a standard to work for and achieve
Would he have still given us a reason, a reason to believe


So we can criticise the way they lived and the way they died
But the songs they sang were all for us, in us they did confide
Behind the star upon the door, was a worn and broken crutch
Somehow I guess they gave us, gave us just a little too much.

But we loved the way they sang the songs
And the special gift they had
Though they were here and gone like a flash of light,
They were not just another fad
They were here and gone like a flash of light,
They were not just another fad.

This song appears on 'Old Time Southern Dream' (Brambus) released in 1994, it has one verse(in italics) which refers to Phil. Re-released on CD 2003.
RP sept07