The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102959   Message #2141697
Posted By: HipflaskAndy
05-Sep-07 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Leeds Folk Event
Subject: RE: Leeds Folk Event
Went for a recce today to the 'Light' in the city centre to see where we'll (DMcF electric band) be playing with the Durbervilles - big airy space!
Starts 2.30 - ends 4.30pm - it's free!

Then walked down to Trinity Church Arts Centre on Boar Lane
- the venue for the evening concert with Napper/Bliss & m' acoustic Band (£5 - a bargain!)
Lovely place for an acoustic concert!
There's even going to be a bar! Surprised me - given the venue
- but that's how they allus run it there - grand!
See ya - Duncan (McFarlane)