The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20522   Message #214184
Posted By: Billy the Bus
19-Apr-00 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nicknames
Subject: RE: BS: Nicknames
Hi Julie,

"Sam" was taken, so I used "Billy the Bus" for my moniker (sp?) on Mudcat - he's my partner. Now, in your case I'd choose "Fishy" - not that I'd see you as a "fishy" person, or a "fish-wife" (many songs sung of them) but, I think you'd remember it...;)

Mike, when did you last play "Mooh Sticks"? Is there an AA Milne thread on Mudcat? Or do I have to look for Eeyore (sp?)?????

Hi, Catheryn (or any of the other spellings) - don't Welsh on your real name too much and "Caitrin" sounds Welsh enough for me for spelling - How does the REAL leek-eater spell it?

Mbo - you will forever remain "M'boy"...;)

Mrrzy - do you live beside the river Mersey in the UK?

Big Dog, I have to look up to yer. What, 5' 18" I'm jsut 6' dead - haven't worked out how tall I am alive..;)


Cheers - Sam