The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104512   Message #2141954
Posted By: Barry Finn
05-Sep-07 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Corrections on 'The Death of Robin Hood'
Subject: RE: Corrections on 'The Death of Robin Hood'
Hi Liz
I wouldn't trust a beer offering nun (even a cousin) unless she was offering up more than beer or bottled water but I would tend to agree that drinking it was probably safer. It seems our Robin might have been a bit of a tea drinker (which might be why he was sick, but tea gets boiled too, yes?) & that might account for his great aim or could it be that there were to many tipsy archers around. Isn't meade a bit weaker? "Have a meade" doesnt ring true either.

Thanks Geoff for the link, interesting reading