The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104524   Message #2142422
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
06-Sep-07 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ypres 90 years on
Subject: RE: BS: Ypres 90 years on
Just an aside, but an eery one.
My partner and I go annually to Ypres for a music weekend with "The Belgiums" (Trommelfute, Kadrilj etc)
And on one of our first trips, we attended the Menin gate Last Post ceremony.
As the last post was being played, I scanned the thousands of names engraved on the wall.
They are listed in terms of regiments, and alphabetically,
My surname is Jordan, My partners surname is Kelly, and as the strains of the Last Post died away, I noticed a Jordan, and a Kelly listed underneath.
Obviously, these poor guys were not related to either of us, but, I felt a distinct chill, and it brought home the enormity of what must have happened all those years ago.
And, I'm always amazed that the town still appears to be hundreds of years old, but was in fact completely rebuilt after the Great War.
I would thoroughly reccommend if you're in that part of the world, to visit the town.
And, as Ruth A has said, check out Coope Boyes and Simpson products for more contextual songs and tunes. They have been intimately involved in the whole Flemish scene for many a year.
Regards Ralphie