The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20449   Message #214246
Posted By: Walter Corey
19-Apr-00 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: More HTML Practise
Subject: RE: BS: More HTML Practise
Since I'veneverbeen able to make the bk thing work, I'll try this here before posting to thread. THE GOONEY BIRD - Oscar Brand

In '51 they tried to ground the noble D.C.3 & so some lawyers brought the case before the C.A.B. So the bnoard examined all the facts behind their great oak portal & then pronounced these simple words,The Gooney Bird's immortal

They patch her up with masking tape, with paper clips & strings & still she flies, she never dies Methusaleah with wings

The army toasts their sky train now in lousy scotch & soda The Tommies raise their tankards high to cheer their old Dakota Some claim the C 47's best, or the gallant R4D Forget that claim, they're all the same, they're the noble DC3 - chorus -

Douglas built this ship to last but nobody expected This crazy heap would fly & fly no matter how they wrecked it While nations fall & men retire & jets get obsolete The Gooney Bird flies on & on at 11,000 feet- chorus

No matter what they do to her, the Gooney Bird still flies One crippled plane was fitted out with one wing half the size She hunched her shoulders, then took off, I know this makes you laugh One wing askew & yet she flew, the DC 2 & a half - chorus

She had her faults but after all who's perfect in this sphere Her heating system was a gem & we loved her for her gear Of course her windows leaked a bit when the rain came pouring down She'd keep you warm but in a storm it's possible you'd drown- chorus

Well now she flies the feeder routes & carries mail & freight She's just an air borne office or a flying 12 ton crate They patch her up with masking tape, with paper clips & strings & still she flies, she never dies, Methusalah with wings- chorus