The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104322   Message #2142695
Posted By: Bill D
06-Sep-07 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct

Joun Hardly said several days ago...
"The Democrats forever changed the national political landscape when they proved that they did not find Clinton's sexual behavior objectionable."

I am late getting back in this thread, but I can't let that go unanswered...

That is pure BS! Of course they found it objectionable! (Most of them, anyway...and I never heard one say he DID apporve)...but, as others have said, they found it more 'foolish' than anything. It certainly didn't warrant $80 million and months of attention....except by Republicans who, as a group, ARE more concerned with folks' sexual moré they are proving by their stern actions toward Craig.

It is all pretty simple...Craig is not Barney Frank, and he is from a conservative state and in a conservative party who find his overall behavior in the matter a blot on the party and a BIG distraction. He has NO chance of re-election, and would be shunned by his Republican colleagues if he did not resign. (I believe that no Senator has been FORCED out in about 100 years!...and they don't want to have to.)

IF Craig had denied all the charges from the beginning, and not flashed his Senate ID card at the officer, and played totally innocent, he 'might' have avoided all this....but all those things, plus his earlier videos calling Clinton a "nasty, naughty boy" were just over the top...he is a target for every comedian on the planet now.

It's funny...he be a better help to the Democrats if he DID refuse to resign!