The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104322   Message #2142867
Posted By: John Hardly
06-Sep-07 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
<>I"...and you can't see why the cases are different?"

If that's addressed to me, the only comparison I was making (between Clinton and Craig) was one of the functional use of scandal as a political tool: That because of disparate views on sexual morality between the parties, it is not possible for a Republican to GOTCHA! a Democrat out of office. But it is not just possible, but probable that a Republican will be removed for the same sexual indiscretion. And all I was speculating was that that realization occurred to the Democrats upon seeing Clinton survive his.

That was all. All the other characterizations and comparisons were foisted upon me, and/or not offered up by me.