The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104322   Message #2142987
Posted By: GUEST,TIA
06-Sep-07 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
If you're going to use me as a paragon ought to know what I think of Clinton (and said publicly at the time).

I've got no problem with a President who has extramarital sex in the oval office if he is leading the country to do "good" in the world.

Now comes the part you are not expecting...

I have a major problem with a man having sex with someone over whom he has power in a nonsexual situation. The fact that Monica consented does not matter to me. He was the POTUS, she was an intern far below him in the power structure. There is at least the potential for coercion there. It was wrong and inappropriate. that makes him (sexually) a less than honorable man, but has no bearing on how he performed as POTUS.