The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104319   Message #2143240
Posted By: treewind
07-Sep-07 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Copyright warning - bloggers!
Subject: RE: Copyright warning - bloggers!
Jim Carrol:
"an opinion on those who are not prepared to pass on their material"

You agree that it is wrong to distribute copies of another person's recording, so presumably you don't object to Anne asking the blogger to remove the recording from his site?

Except for that kind of action, i.e. stopping somebody from doing wrong, I don't think there's anybody participating directly or referred to in this thread that isn't prepared to pass on their material as long as it is going to be handled with due repect.

The issue is about the recipient of that material giving credit for their source, which in some cases translates into financial benefit as well.

Dick :
I'm sure Martin Carthy didn't mind Paul Simon using his material and wasn't trying to stop him from singing or selling records, just asking to be properly credited and paid where credit and payment were due. "Unwillingess to share" doesn't fairly describe that dispute.
