The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104322   Message #2143323
Posted By: Bill D
07-Sep-07 - 11:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct
Subject: RE: BS: Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho)- lewd conduct's true that promises and honor need to be remembered and revered more than they seem to be by many.

Still, I get the impression that many marriages ceremonies are just 'by the book' and read from the minister's text. Having been married before, my first one was. This time..(27 years ago)..we planned and tailored the text to reflect us and said exactly what we felt.

It may be too much for 'some' people to promise and swear that they will never give in to temptation, but at the marriage ceremony they may not be thinking about that, and they are sure not likely to insert a disclaimer saying they'll 'probably' be faithful.

I have no idea what was said at the Clinton's marriage...but I'd guess they have ummmmm...'discussed'... the rules a few times since.

I'd bet that Senator Craig had a pretty classic, conservative text, and IF he has had desires that seemed in conflict, it has probably caused him a lot of anguish and confusion as he tried to reconcile it.
   I do know that as this story has developed, I have seen a couple of psychologists explain that many men who 'sometimes' seek brief encounters with other men rationalize it with the "I am NOT gay!" line, and don't feel it should count against them. Obviously, if they hold high office, they need a lot of care & discretion, as others expect pretty narrow standards of behavior.